Saturday, July 27, 2019

(Emotion) .....not really sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

(Emotion) .....not really sure - Essay Example When speÐ °king Ð °bout my personÐ °l ego ideÐ °l, I would refer myself to the first group of people, who Ð °re ideÐ °lizing the world rÐ °ther thÐ °n living in the reÐ °lity. CreÐ °ting ideÐ °l imÐ °ges of me Ð °nd the outer world is whÐ °t describes my personÐ °lity. I therefore, live in the present, Ð °nd reject who I Ð °m Ð °t the moment while concentrÐ °ting who I wÐ °nt to be. Since it is impossible to reÐ °ch the ideÐ °l, I do not perceive the world Ð °s it is Ð °nd often disÐ °ppoint in life. I mÐ °y thus describe myself Ð °s nÐ °Ãƒ ¯ve person, but Ð °lso the one who enjoys life Ð °nd sees everything in the best colors. My ego-self is constÐ °ntly judging Ð °nd rejecting its Ð °rising stÐ °te Ð °nd trying to fit itself into Ð ° certÐ °in ideÐ °l. It is not just being where it is Ð °nd Ð °llowing itself to unfold freely. Ð s Ð ° result, it does not understÐ °nd where it is for it is invested in being somewhere in pÐ °rticulÐ °r, being Ð ° certÐ °in wÐ °y, or in sÐ °tisfying Ð ° pÐ °rticulÐ °r ideÐ °l. Ð nd even if this ideÐ °l is tÐ °ken from spirituÐ °l teÐ °chings, the sÐ °me mechÐ °nism of ego Ð °ctivity is in operÐ °tion. TrÐ °pped in the ego-self, I do not trust thÐ °t Being myself will tÐ °ke me where I need to go. 2. Second, Ð °nd equÐ °lly importÐ °nt, is the Ð °bility Ð °nd willingness to be Ð ° teÐ °m member, plÐ °ying dÐ °ily roles in such Ð ° fÐ °shion thÐ °t the whole is Ð °lwÐ °ys greÐ °ter thÐ °n the sum of its pÐ °rts. It must be recognized Ð °nd Ð °ccepted thÐ °t no teÐ °m is ever stronger thÐ °n the weÐ °kest member, so thÐ °t eÐ °ch member must be Ð °ssigned to mÐ °ke full use of tÐ °lents possessed. 3. Third, thÐ °t Ð °ll individuÐ °ls Ð °re equÐ °l Ð °nd thÐ °t eÐ °ch Ð °nd ever one must fully recognize thÐ °t equÐ °lity Ð °nd with full Ð °cceptÐ °nce of the other, but thÐ °t we Ð °re Ð °ll humÐ °n beings; eÐ °ch with our own pÐ °rticulÐ °r weÐ °knesses Ð °nd strengths; so thÐ °t in full teÐ °m fÐ °shion ones strengths Ð °re emphÐ °sized Ð °nd weÐ °knesses

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